On 05/11/13 14:56, Barry Drake wrote:
On 05/11/13 14:25, Dave Morley wrote:
Yes this is correct the nautilus package was remove in Saucy so won't be there in Trusty either.

According to the file manager launcher in '/usr/share/applications' the launcher is still calling Nautilus both under Saucy and Trusty - it uses the command 'nautilus %U'. The problem I mentioned is not there in Saucy but appeared in Trusty right at the first testing iso.

Regards,        Barry.

This behaviour does show on my laptop that was upgraded to Saucy. The ubuntuone-client-gnome package was removed during the upgrade. A bug has been raised (#1232053). There is a workaround and a lot of comments asking for the functionality to be returned.

Barry T


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