On 7 June 2013 16:27, Jon Farmer <j...@bctech.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi
> I am getting daily freezes and crashes of Chromium on both Ubuntu and
> Lubuntu machines. Sometimes it says it ran out of memory on a 8G ram
> machine with no other applications running or other times just sends the
> load average up to silly numbers and thrashes the disk.
> Anyone else seeing this or know how to fix it?

I have had similar issues with Chromium in the past and switched to Chrome
which seems more stable and less memory hungry but I haven't found a
lasting solution to it. One of the issues is that Chrome opens a session
for each tab or window which will vary in real and virtual memory use but
can easily go over a Gb of real memory depending on the complexity of the
page or application - Gmail always hovers around 950Kb on my system for
example and with 10 tabs open it's using about 5Gb on my laptop. You can
see your usage by looking at Tools | Task Manager in the Chrome menu. There
is an extension called The Great Suspender that I've just found and might
use that claims to manage memory usage more efficiently, suspending idle
pages manually or automatically after a period of time.



Twitter: @sfgreenwood
"TBA are particularly glib"

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