On 30/05/13 11:59, Tony Scott wrote:
On 30 May 2013 11:44, pete smout <psmo...@live.com> wrote:
The laptop is an Acer Aspire 5720.

Hi Pete

Have you tried to see if the problem is on Google?



Tony Scott
http://tonyscott.org.uk | http://wpuk.org | http://savetvc.co.uk

Hi Tony

Yes I did look, all I found was how to patch the kernel to control the CPU fan, as Acer 'forgot' to put it in BIOS and 'pathced Win VISTA'!

The lockup on close of lid was first noticed 2 days ago, and I put it down to 'computers do misbehave!' but now it has occurred 3 or 4 times, I have to put it down to a change of something? (I have been running 13-04 without issue for approx 3wks now). The only packages that have been installed / removed in that time are Updates done via 'Software Updater' in the GUI (yes I know you can use the terminal but I'm basically a lazy person ;¬) ). I also know that raring is a 'development release' ie. not LTS and as such issues may well occur and the point of posting here was to see if it was just me...... as it appears to me to be Update related?!? *I may be wrong*

The suggestion from Grant to ssh into my lappy has been taken on board and I have already arranged with a friend to use his machine to ssh into mine *if* the issue pokes its head up before I get home!



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