I while back I posted about Ubuntu1 Music Store & a complete fail that
happened - including monies taken from my account but without any
delivery of the purchased music.

This fail was eventually [mostly] resolved - I ended up with one of
three payments refunded and one successful delivery of the purchased
track. I gave up on the other refund due & chalked it up to experience.

I am a fair man [I hope] and so the improvements and successes should be
worthy of my time as well.

So, time to post about Ubuntu1 Music Store again... with praise.
Praise involving another fail - but instantly & properly resolved - and,
very importantly, *no* money was taken from my account until the failed
download was delivered.  Things have improved dramatically & I am
grateful for that.  I am impressed even.

The fail was better explained.  The fail was corrected the next day and
not until all three purchased tracks had downloaded did a confirmation
of payment arrive.  This is how it should be.  This is worthy of praise
and acknowledgement.

Bill B. [SuperEngineer]

-Registered Linux User 523667-
-Registered Ubuntu User 32366-
-----Free  as in Freedom------


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