
CfP: FLOSSIE 2013, 8/9 November, QMUL, London, UK


Flossie 2013 is a two-day event for women who are interested in any
aspect of open technology, open knowledge, digital arts, and social
innovation. Whether you code, tinker, use FLOSS in your projects, or
want to explore open alternatives, all women are welcome - from expert
to novice, or anywhere in between.

Flossie 2013 is a chance to showcase your project, share skills, or talk
about something which really interests you. We're also scheduling plenty
of time to network, share and build on ideas, and to meet new friends
and old.

Call for proposals:

We’re inviting proposals for all aspects of the day.
1. Talk about your current project or a project you’d like to set up
2. Skills sharing workshops on any aspect of Free/Libre Open Source
software, hardware, data – anything open!
3. Talk about social innovation and diversifying technology design
4. Send us your idea for an activity – as long as it's open! Even if you
don’t feel you have the expertise yourself, and just have an idea, let
us know.

Deadline: 19 July 2013

Submit your proposal here: http://www.flossie.org/openconf/

If you have any questions, please email c...@flossie.org or find more
information on our website at www.flossie.org



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