I use http://openenergymonitor.org/  and i am very pleased with it,
features growing steadily with a nice community behind it, all open
source/open hardware.

My dash is at http://emoncms.org/tailzer if you want to check out what I
capture currently.
As a bonus the guys who created it run Ubuntu :0)

On Tuesday, May 14, 2013, Andrés Muñiz wrote:

> Hello,
> Do any of you know of a simple  (FLOSS) advanced metering software? I am
> particularly interested on one that can "catch" the wifi signal that is
> already being sent with my electricity consumption (kwh) to a stand alone
> device that sits at home. I would like to pick it up on my laptop.
> I tried searching online and I only found that there seems to be some set
> of international standards [1], a crowd sourcing project that caught my eye
> [2] and a science paper [3].
> The project [2] caught  my eye because it makes your home into a smart
> home. I was very interested by it because the central computer seemed to be
> gnu/linux. The rest of it is not open source: at the most they said that
> they might publish some API. This lost my interest because it seems to need
> acess to your home router and I felt a bit uneasy on this bit.
> Regards,
> Andres
> [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Metering_System
> [2] http://www.ulule.com/wattio/
> [3]
> http://www.academicjournals.org/JEEER/PDF/Pdf2011/Aug/Ananthapadmanabha%20et%20al.pdf
> --
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