On 2013-04-24 10:58, pete smout wrote:
> Then having completely had enough I decided to put the 2 lines of script in
> a text file (xrandr --addmode <MODELINE>)(xrandr --newmode
> <resolution_refreshrate>) and make this file executable via the properties
> menu in nautilus. You can view this at
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80216532/TVBashScript
> (DISCLAIMER although I posted this to help point anyone in the right
> direction the settings are for my system, and unlikely to work on someone
> elses)

Consider calling that script from ~/.xsessionrc, and you'll have it every
time you login.

> Please note this is my experience and the lightdm issue may well have been
> a coincidence (I cannot see how editing xorg.conf would bork lightdm) but
> it was the only change made when rebooting the machine!

Changes in xorg.conf are applied BEFORE lightdm starts. Changes you run
with xrandr in a desktop are applied AFTER you've logged in. That's how it
can bork it. But it was odd.


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