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Are they conventional usb keyboard and mouse?
Yes - I have tried both wired and wireless.
I wonder whether it is that the system is becoming unresponsive as
something is clogging up the machine, rather than a problem with the
mouse and keyboard. Does it happen when you are doing anything in
particular? Viewing online videos for example?
I had thought of that but the problem starts as soon as booting has
finished and no particular application running.
Does the disk activity light flash continuously while the problem exists?
Yes there are very slight flashes all the time with an occasional large
flare. This activity also shows when running XP Pro.
Open System Monitor and go to the Resources tab and leave that running
and visible if possible, at least so that you can see the CPU and
Memory sections. When it goes unresponsive do you see the CPU(s)
going to 100%? Also what are the values for Memory and Swap when it
is unresponsive.
I will see if I can find a way to do this allowing for the lack of
response to the mouse buttons.
When you say intermittent do you mean they come and go while you are
using the PC or do they work for a while then stop and you have to
reboot or unplug and replug the device, or something, to get them
back, or some other sort of indeterminacy?
They come and go whilst using the PC.
Do they work/fail together?
Yes both the keyboard and the mouse buttons fail at the same time.