On 25/02/13 18:13, Alan Bell wrote:
> Hi all,
> It is coming up to Ubuntu Global Jam season again, this is a bit of a
> unified effort from the Local community teams around the world to do
> some more concentrated activities around making Ubuntu better,
> promoting Ubuntu, or learning more about Ubuntu. The notional date for
> it is this weekend https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam however I
> think we can stretch the dates a touch to extend to the 9th March
> where there is another event we can coincide with, which is the Hack n
> Talk event http://hackntalk.eventbrite.com/ in London. This means that
> for folk who can make it to London there is a venue to get together
> at, and we can use Google Hangouts to stream video around for other
> people to join in discussions and activities.

Brilliant! I've now registered to Hack 'n Talk!

> Activites could include testing different aspects of Ubuntu, maybe
> looking at the Ubuntu Touch platform for phone and tablets, maybe
> finding out how to port that to other devices, or anything else
> really, the agenda is wide open!

I can come with two Ubuntu Touch devices (a Galaxy Nexus and a nexus 7)
and I'm happy to do a jam session on creating apps for Ubuntu Touch. I
would also be interested in doing something about packaging for Ubuntu
although I'd need help from someone experienced in the subject.
Alternatively, we can do a session of newbies discovering how to package
an application together: between several of us, we should manage to work
it out :-)




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