On 13/01/13 02:14, Alan Pope wrote:
On 12/01/13 14:52, Dan Fish wrote:
His broadband is damn expensive and sometimes "sudo apt-get update &&
sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade" may well use up much of his monthly
Ironically, it's very cheap to post via snail mail a usb stick back and
forth! Any ideas how I can keep him up to date (albeit at monthly
intervals) via this method?
My google-fu has failed me.
It's not just updates he'd miss out on, but also new packages he may
want to install. You _could_ mirror the entire repository onto your hard
disk and then copy that to a USB attached drive and post that over.
Right now the entire repo (binary only) for precise takes up 53GB.

Like this:-

debmirror --nosource -m --passive --host=archive.ubuntu.com
--root=ubuntu/ --method=http --progress
--section=main,restricted,universe,multiverse --arch=i386
~/ubuntumirror/ubuntu --ignore-release-gpg

He could then point his apt sources.list at the usb stick and install
packages from it via apt or software centre, as well as update via
update manager.


Maplin are selling a 64 GB USB stick  for something like 30 pounds I think

alan cocks


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