On 03/01/13 10:49, Andy Braben wrote:

There is a 20 minute video by SABDFL here: http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone which is well worth making time to watch. He says that any phone which runs the Android kernel will run the Ubuntu kernel.

I also have a Samsung Galazy S3 Android phone and will be very reluctant to upgrade it to Ubuntu as it is a top of the range item unless there is a thoroughly tried, tested and proven upgrade path to take.


I have an HTC Desire-Z running Android 2.3, and saw something the Android Market to run Ubuntu on my phone, although it requires the phone to be rooted and the specs to be high enough. I am not sure if mine would work or not.

However, it does seem that it would be a good idea to have an alternative to Android with more flexibility, power and compatibility with my desktop OS, which does not require me to use Microsoft or Apple products.

The real success will be when Ubuntu phones become mainstream and desired by the general public as a valid alternative to Android, although I suspect that a lot of users will want something that will still run their Android apps as well as running Linux software that runs on Ubuntu.

I am also looking forward to see tablets with Ubuntu, same as for phones, but obviously with bigger screen, far more suited to the usual Linux desktop programs we might be used to running.

Has anyone here actually managed to get Ubuntu working on any smartphone or tablet?

David K


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