On 16 December 2012 07:33, Ted Wager <t...@trufflesdad.plus.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the replies...Bought phone yesterday and looking forward to
> playtime...See phone tells
> me the software is up to date yet lots of mails say ics is available..Also
> mails say the battery must be
> drained before a recharge...Is this so ?
> Regards
>  Ted Wager.

Find the forum for you phone and do a search. Lots of info there.

If you are feeling brave.

Don't worry too much about running battery flat. I believe that was true in
the day of NiCad cells. LiPo cells don't like going flat. The phone
will shut-down before the cell is completely flat to protect it.

I have an Xperia U. Cyanogenmod for it is not complete yet so I am still
running Sony's ICS. However, the boot-loader is unlocked, and the thing is
rooted. Most of the bloat has been deleted.

There are hacks to enable USB mass-storage, but I have not bothered. With
adb installed it is just as easy to type adb push <file> <location> to copy
a file to the device.

Tools you will want:-

Philip Stubbs

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