
It's a Lacie "Phil Starck" USB2.0 black box, with a 2TB Samsung F3 in it.
From the speed, less than 1MB/sec, I'd agree, dmesg is also saying "full-speed" against everything USB.
Am I right in thinking it should say "high-speed" ?
And the $64K question, how do I fix it?

I presume from some googling ehci-hcd should be loaded, but isn't???



What's the brand of the USB drive? Sounds like it's running as a USB1.1 device rather than USB2.

-Matt Daubney

On 25 November 2012 19:19, LeeGroups <> wrote:

You are indeed correct, the speed of the USB drive appears to be the issue rather than the speed of the NFS share.

Copying a 250MB file takes nearly 8 minutes... very poor...

I've had a quick google which seems to suggest this issue has been around since 8.04.
The suggested remedies do not seem to work however (adding grub options of pci=routeirq or pci=apci, yes I did update grub).

Watching 'top' on another SSH session during the copy shows that the CPU use is around 5%, but the one minute load average is nearly 3, which I really don't understand...

And this new server was going so well :(


On 24/11/12 19:41, Simon Greenwood wrote:
My immediate response would be to check the speed of the USB drive against a share on the internal disk (assuming you still have the USB drive attached). Also make sure that DNS is resolving correctly and that the Eee knows about the client end. Also check the speed of your network interfaces.




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