On 06/10/12 19:20, Sean Miller wrote:
On 6 October 2012 19:10, Ronnie Tucker <ron...@ronnietucker.co.uk
<mailto:ron...@ronnietucker.co.uk>> wrote:
Feel free to submit articles, we're always on the look out for new
articles and columns. ANYONE can help.
I could, but I don't understand that "New Guy" article.
Could you elaborate on what it was meant to achieve?
Opening a terminal to be able to open Firefox and then close it??
What was that about?
I don't think that's an advert for the command line at all... and you
suggested your online magazine was a good thing for this fella that
wanted to learn.
Tiz a bit harsh to judge all 65 issues on one particular article...
The article was generated using a new terminal command that was recently
introduced. It's called humour. That particular column is meant to be
light-hearted and not taken so seriously. It clearly states that it will
explain things to you as though you're a five-year old.
Also, if more people wrote articles I'd have a bigger pool to choose from.
[hint hint folks] :)
*All the best!*
/Ronnie Tucker/