On 2012-09-26 10:57, Tyler J. Wagner wrote:
> On 2012-09-25 23:20, Alan Pope wrote:
>> On 25/09/12 16:29, Tyler J. Wagner wrote:
>>> Related to that, the Lens searches seem to be based on tokens of entire
>>> words, not substrings. They are delimited by whitespace or changes in
>>> capitalisation.
>> Is there a bug filed about these issues you outlined? If not, could you
>> please file one/some so we can track these issues?
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-lens-applications/+bug/1056743

Can someone tell me more about what "Triaged" and "Fix Committed" means in
Launchpad? See the above bug. Someone working on this bug changed status
from Confirmed to Triaged and importance from Undecided to High, but didn't
comment on what was changed or planned to change. Does "Triaged" mean
simply "the importance field has been set"?

Secondly, it recently changed to "Fix Committed", again without
explanation. What is the expected behaviour when bugs are fixed? Is there
someone else I should be looking for documentation about changes to a
project, and how bugs are related to them?


There is no "eastern" and "western" medicine. There's "medicine" and
then there's "stuff that has not been proven to work."
   -- Maki Naro, "The Red Flags of Quackery, v2.0", Sci-ence.org


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