On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 12:14 PM, David King <linux...@avoura.com> wrote:
> Thanks for your suggestion, I will give it a try when I can. I have already
> installed Windows XP onto an old PC and used that to connect my PlayBook,
> which worked, although it took a few attempts.
> It is unfortunate that all the tablet makers really only consider Windows
> and Mac OS X when making drivers, even though they might be using something
> quite different on the tablet, whether Linux or Unix-based.
> David King

Hi David,

Have you looked into the SDK for the Playbook? Certainly, in my
limited experience so far, in order to get to the guts of an Android
or WebOS tablet you need the Android/WebOS SDK as that provides the
relevant tools to interact with the device on a low level.

RIM provide a Linux SDK here: https://developer.blackberry.com/native/download/
(note: you will need to click on the "Different OS?" bit in order to
get to the Linux SDK option)



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