> > Barry, I would be most grateful if you could point me in the right 
> > direction. I know that one of the options is to do something else. I 
> > have looked at that where the drives are listed but I am uncertain 
> > what to do thereafter. 
> Got a lot to do tonight - it will be tomorrow afternoon before I can 
> boot from a DVD and talk you through it, so if one of the others can 
> help before then I'll be grateful.

That's OK Barry, not to worry, time is on my side. I forget to mention
that although I have used Ubuntu since Warty the emphasis is on used and
not fiddled with. Instructions I can usually follow but age is not on my
side (84 years young)

> -- 
> Barry Drake is a member of the the Ubuntu Advertising team.
> http://ubuntuadverts.org/


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