Some comparisons... I decided to have a 2nd computer child - I called it "Precise" [my first ("Lucid") has grown up & left home - though still has a room in my house (or hard disk as some call it)].
Many said it was too early but I went ahead. The child was premature -the specialists said it was born (a few months ago now) with a condition called "alpha". I nursed this child and fed it everyday [with updates]. I scalded "alpha" when necessary [I told it of all bugs with its character; I watched the child grow to puberty and people nicknamed it "beta" - by this time I had done what all good parents learn - I ignored some failings as protests, I encouraged it & reprimanded it as necessary (it was growing up very fast). My new child is now a young adult - the specialists now tells me they expect it will live longer than the generation before - a whole five years! My new child has grown and is now also my friend - every parents dream. It still has a few "iffy" friends which I feel have some improvement of their own to be done. Other parents tell me this the norm for a young adult - to have friends in their "software centre" that are not so well behaved, but are also growing up - so I mostly ignore their faults except for a frown at their parents now and again when I tell them that their child should be out of their "buggy" by now. Now a young adult, my child has been a pleasure to watch grow (though hard work to put up with at first, I admit). I am pleased. "Precise", now nearly at its coming of age party (on 12-04-01 apparently), has learned the ways of its older sibling & is happy to follow them - with "Precise's" own character shining through. If only my neighbours, the Windows family could look after their child better - grown into a rich kid's hooligan! I offer them my support whenever they get into trouble - but oh they annoy me so much - so slow to learn! :) good luck, good health & good fortune to us all... (Precisely) -- Regards, Bill B. [SuperEngineer] ------------------------------ -Registered Linux User 523667- -Registered Ubuntu User 32366- -----Free as in Freedom------ --