Firstly sorry if people are already aware of this but it is important
and urgent.
This is something that you all need be aware of urgently:
The upshot of this is that someone who was supposed to be a neutral
facilitator has been found to have links with Microsoft the deadline
for consultations from the public has been put back by a month.
The corporate interests have been busy lobbying to get the whole Open
Standards discussion perverted by FRAND patent licensing. We need to
have a wide range of voices to keep the intent of this which is to
allow our Government/NHS/Councils etc. to be able to gain from better
quality, lower cost open source software not having to keep paying
inflated prices for Microsoft/Oracle and other corporates.
We now have until 4th June to make submissions. Please take an hour or
so to understand the issues and add your voice to the weight of public
opinion that wants an end to this corporate stranglehold on our
government computing.
The link to the submissions site is at the end of that cabinet office
I noticed in today's Daily Mail that the MPs are all getting a
complementary iPad (paid for by we taxpayers) - another huge corporation
trying to get its hooks into them.
*Deluxe Technology Ltd*
/Linux Consultant/ <>
Mob: 07970 850961