On 28/04/12 17:36, paul sutton wrote:
On 28/04/12 17:31, Bill Baker wrote:
 On Sat, 2012-04-28 at 15:55 +0100, alan c wrote:
 On 28/04/12 14:14, kpb wrote:
 On 28/04/12 11:59, Barry Drake wrote:
  Someone just upgraded from 10.04 and after answering a couple of
  questions, I pointed him to the poster.  He found it very helpful.
 Hello Barry and all

 That is exactly what/who the poster is for, I'm glad it was useful.

 The Ubuntu Desktop Guide really is good documentation once you get the
 names of things and the basic actions sorted out.
 I think it has been noticed that Ubuntu 12.04 does not make it at all
 easy to find a useful Help facility, not sure if a bug has been raised
 at all, I hope so. One guinea pig I saw use it here immediately
 searched around for a help list. Unfortunately  even I did not know
 where that was ... :-(

 My try was F1 but this is context sensitive.

 alan cocks

 Reading this - and purely as a guess....

 I hit the<Super>** key which, of course, opened the main lens.
 I typed "help".
 There it was.

 Whilst that might be an obvious route to me - it most definite;y would
 not be to a new Unity user.

 ** I would hit the<Super>  key - wouldn't I. I am<Super>Engineer.  ;D

As the super key is the windows key on windows,  people may not realise
that the windows key works in Linux and is called the super key.  if you
press the windows key on windows the start menu pops up straight away,
with linux the super key is pressed there is a delay,  the fact there is
a delay (good thing and i guess reasons for this ) may make people think
it does't do anything.

Bit ironic, but when I used Windows for years and too long, I never used the Windows key! I now see the error of my ways and will be using it a lot!

alan cocks


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