> There is something I've wanted to do before and failed.  I'd like
> Bluetooth to be off by default.  The command 'service bluetooth stop' which
> I seem to remember used to work, gives the reply 'bluetooth stop/waiting'
> but does not turn Bluetooth off according to the Bluetooth icon.  The
> command 'rfkill block bluetooth' does work OK, but if I want to turn
> bluetooth back on, 'unblock' sets the icon to active, but Bluetooth won't
> work until I have re-booted without the rfkill command in my ~/.profile
> file.
> Something has to be possible as I can turn Bluetooth off and on again by
> clicking on the icon and using the menuitem there.  But I'd like to do this
> as a command on startup.  Any thoughts?
Find out what the Bluetooth menu item does and run it as a startup item.
>From the init file there are a number of things but a script would do it.

Twitter: @sfgreenwood
"Go on Bobby, both barrels"

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