On 14/04/12 16:13, Norman Silverstone wrote:
<  big snip>

Update 2012:

Proprietary lobby triumphs in first open standards showdown
Is this not yet another example of the ineptness of the present
Government and its subservience to big business.


not really, the government set up the consultations announced them, some people turned up from the open standards community, lots of people turned up from the proprietary companies (including people being flown in from America to attend)

Round tables 3 and 2 have not happened yet, please do try to turn up if you can (I know it is hard if you don't have someone paying you to go). The outcome of all this won't be decided on a show of hands from the round table meetings, they just want feedback from those. The very best thing you can do whilst sat in the comfort of your own home or office is to fill out the consultation form:


you can see on this the links to see what others have said. All responses to the consultation will be published (I will do a freedom of information request for the ones that are not published on the website when the consultation closes) and you can see that the general consensus of the published written responses is decidedly in favour of real open standards.

If you are confused about what the fuss is all about, it is whether "open standard" should be allowed to contain patents that are licensed under FRAND terms. FRAND stands for the excellent sounding "Fair Reasonable and Non Discriminatory" but this is a big problem. The theory is that you can have a patent in an open standard that requires a modest payment to the license holder. So for example, lets take a fictional video format called MPVC which is just wonderful at compressing pictures of lots of people, but it bears a royalty of £0.01 per user. Sounds fine, it doesn't cost much, people can make set-top boxes and pay their penny, parliament streams in MPVC and mandates the use of MPVC for various other things. Now if someone wants to write an MPVC decoder and distribute it as Free Software under the GPL they can't because they can't count the users and make the payment to the license holder. This is a real means for proprietary companies to block competition from Free Software.

There is more about this here and elsewhere on the web:


Go fill out that consultation. I did, you can read my responses on the website.


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