Quite right; I meant the files, not the whole folder.
On 27/03/12 07:40, Neil Greenwood wrote:

Just to correct the assertion below: /tmp is writable for all users, typically files downloaded there might have their permissions set to read-only though.

Sorry I can't help with the original question!


P.S. Sorry for the brevity, this is typed on my phone.

On Mar 26, 2012 6:56 PM, "John Oliver" <jp.oli...@ntlworld.com <mailto:jp.oli...@ntlworld.com>> wrote:

    There is a little button that looks like a document with a pencil
    on it about 5 icons to the right of the new document button.
    (Called Edit Document). Pressing it will make a copy of the file
    and open it for editing.

    The usual reason for this is a file is downloaded from the
    Internet to the /tmp directory, which is read-only to all except
    the root user.

    John Oliver

    On 26 Mar 2012, at 18:23, paul sutton <zl...@zleap.net
    <mailto:zl...@zleap.net>> wrote:

    > Hi
    > I am trying to fill in an application form sent to me in docx
    format, I
    > have saved as odf otherwise editing saving and reopening a docx file
    > results in seriously messed up file.
    > I have a table for work history etc,  which when i try and edit
    I get
    > things like read only content,  modified content will not be
    applied,  I
    > need to edit these sections to add stuff.
    > I NEED to get it filled in,  how do I remove what ever is
    causing this
    > to be read only,  I should be able to simply edit the document,
      but I
    > can't
    > Getting realled stressed out with it.
    > Please help,  there must be a way to edit the file properties,   the
    > file it self is NOT read only its internal to the file,  i can't
    > where to go in libreoffice to make parts of the file writeable.
    > thanks
    > Paul
    > --
    > --
    > http://www.zleap.net
    > http://www.ubuntu.com
    > skype : psutton111
    > http://www.linkedin.com/pub/paul-sutton/36/595/911
    > --
    > ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com>
    > https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
    > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/

    ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com>

Kind Regards,
*John Oliver*

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