On 23 March 2012 21:25, Colin Law <clan...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On 23 March 2012 21:16, Daniel Case <danielcas...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 23 March 2012 21:11, Colin Law <clan...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> It doesn't have to be there all the time, there is an option to hide
>>> it.  It then appears when the mouse is pushed against the edge of the
>>> screen (on 12.04)
>> I noticed this, however it often comes out when I go for the "close"
>> button on a window. The original "dodge" function was a perfect fit,
>> is there no way we can have this reinstated along with the other
>> options as well? That way it keeps everyone happy....
> With unity-2d on 12.04 it does not slide out if you hit the side in
> the top panel itself (by the close button for maximised windows).  I
> don't know about unity-3d but I guess it should be the same there.
> Also I think there will be a sensitivity setting for how quickly it
> appears.

And I have just done an update and can now specify which monitor I
want the launcher on (or all).  Excellent.



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