On 13/03/12 15:14, Liam Proven wrote:
I keep a lot of non-critical stuff on a FAT32 volume shared with
Windows. I have put it into /etc/fstab manually; this worked at first,
but for some reason, it keeps mounting RO&  I have to do a `sudo
umount /dev/sdb6` command to unmount it, then use Nautilus to remount
it for all users as RW.

As far as I can see, any filesystem plugged in after Ubuntu has booted will be auto-mounted. Filesystems that are present on boot need to be specifically referenced in fstab. I have the line: /dev/sdb1 /media/storage auto defaults 0 0 in fstab. This mounts whatever drive is in my trayless caddy at boot. Usually a 1 TB storage drive, but sometimes a drive with Windows on it. One is formatted ext4 and the other ntfs. It mounts either.

Barry Drake is a member of the the Ubuntu Advertising team.


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