On 7 March 2012 22:01, Barry Drake <ubuntu-advertis...@gmx.com> wrote:
> On 07/03/12 21:48, paul sutton wrote:
>> Ohh i am sure I have a few games on 3,5" floppy that ran on an acorn
>> risc/os machine, in fact I may have a manual for the Acorn Archimedes
>> somewhere :) Paul
> I've still got my Sinclair ZX81 and the manual.  Maybe one day I'll dig out
> a 12v power supply and see if it still works.  I actually taught myself to
> program in Z80 assembler code on that one.  I found assembler easier to work
> with than basic.  Later, I found C and loved it.

If you look on ebay you might be surprised how much it would fetch.
Particularly if it still works.



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