On 3 Mar 2012, at 11:30, Bruno Girin <brunogi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ...Both Unity and Metro are bold changes to the way you use your computer and
> raise the risk of severe backlash from users who were used to something
> different.
Nothing against it as an *option* in a routine 10.04 to 12.04 upgrade.
But blaming users for having an established workflow simply doesn't wash. To
quote Andrew, "inserting [it] into our everyday workflows causes many more
context switches (modal switches, in the jargon) than we need. If you're not on
a touch device, there's lots of pain for very little gain... Microsoft [and
Ubuntu] should remember computers are the things getting between us and what we
want to do, and making Metro [Unity] - something so inappropriate for non-touch
users - mandatory is completely unnecessary."
Of course, if I'll get an option during my routine upgrade 10.04 to 12.04 to
install a standard desktop-computing UI, I'll be entirely happy, as I don't
particularly want the faff of a new install of Xubuntu or Debian.
However, I'm assuming that the routine upgrade will just install Unity. But if
I've misunderstood, and I'll be able to choose a different UI, I withdraw my