** Dave Morley <davm...@davmor2.co.uk> [2012-01-12 15:26]:
> On 12/01/12 15:20, Paul Tansom wrote:
> > Does anyone have any recomendations on Linux books, specifically
> > Ubuntu based? I'm looking for something for an end user who is
> > comfortable with computers (DOS/Windows) but is switching to
> > Ubuntu. Nothing too under the cover, and it would have to cover
> > Unity given the changes that have happened to make some older books
> > out of date. It should also be usable by someone with no computer 
> > experience, but with the assistance of the aforementioned other
> > reader :) No need to suggest websites, or online resources, I have
> > been specifically asked for a hard copy book to look at.
> > 
> You can buy some pdf versions from Software Center.  I recommend the
> Official Ubuntu Book, it is a mix of informative enough without being
> patronising
** end quote [Dave Morley]

Thanks for that, it is a shame that Unity is changing so fast in some ways as I
suspect they will want the book ASAP, but the latest book only covers 11.04,
and I suspect 12.04 (due in June) will be notably different - there have
already been noteable changes in 11.10. I guess that's the price of the printed
page not being able to keep up!

Paul Tansom | Aptanet Ltd. | http://www.aptanet.com/ | 023 9238 0001
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