I've had a posting off-list from Michael, and replied as follows. Does
this make sense?
On 02/12/11 13:29, Michael Daniels wrote:
/My most recent posting to the list has not attracted as much
attention as another, but that is how it happens./
/Here is my latest challenge. Following an Ubuntu update, I can not
print anything, a print request is met with a request for an
authentication password. I have searched, many times and I can not
find any reference to a print authentication password./
I followed the thread, and like all the others, am at a loss. When you
said 'update', I did wonder if you meant 'upgrade' to 11.10. I can't
remember where you began - I seem to think it was Natty - 11.04 when we
spoke on Skype back in September. Upgrades are almost guaranteed to
throw you out of kilter. If you did an upgrade, you will almost
certainly need to re-install after backing up all data. I re-install
every six months now using the latest release. Obviously it means
re-installing your printer afresh, but first prepare to be delighted if
your printer is found and installed automatically. This happens with
hardware and new releases.
It could be that completely un-installing and re-installing your printer
(automatically) might fix the problem. I have a suspicion that this
might be the case if you did an upgrade, as Ubuntu could have
re-installed the printer on upgrade.
There is normally no such thing as a print authentication password -
passwords are only asked when you try to use something installed by
another user - and an upgrade would have been carried out by 'root' as
you gave permission for it to do so when you ran the upgrade if that
were the case.
My suggestion when all else fails: struggle on until April when 12.04 is
released. DON'T upgrade to it; just re-install. When your printer is
installed to your new 12.04, it will work as before. Obviously all your
data will get lost in the re-installation, but you will have it all
carefully backed up somewhere (won't you?).
Glad to hear your health is improving.
God bless, Barry.
Barry Drake is a member of the the Ubuntu Advertising team.