On 30 November 2011 16:47, Andrés Muñiz Piniella <andre...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I was having problems to get my web cam working under skype.
> Luckly I found
> http://community.skype.com/t5/Linux/video-is-not-working-on-Ubuntu-11-10/td-p/216792
> I just need to run this in the comand line:
> sh -c 'LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so
> /usr/bin/skype "$@"'
> What ever that means and the video now works!
> But I now need to set it up in a nice button for my wife to use it and to
> get my sister an easy way in.
> Previously I was able to setup a costume launcher but I am new to ubuntu
> 11.10 and I cannot find how to do it.
> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-create-desktop-launchers-in-ubuntu-11-10oneiric.html
> I tried this. but the shortcut does not show on the desktop.

I had the same problem a while ago, and I created a short bash script
somewhere in my $PATH to do the same... I think it was in */usr/local/bin/*
Then running skype from anywhere on the box always preloaded the correct
v4l module and there was no need to make a custom launcher.


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