On 15 November 2011 11:29, Avi Greenbury <li...@avi.co> wrote:
> Colin Law wrote:
>> On 15 November 2011 09:35, Avi Greenbury <li...@avi.co> wrote:
>> > Juan J. wrote:
>> >
>> >> For -m says "on which the system is running", which doesn't seem
>> >> to be coherent with the uname output we are getting in a 64 bit
>> >> system running a 32 bit kernel.
>> >
>> > It depends why you are interested.
>> >
>> > When a 686 kernel is running on an amd64 chip, it *is* running on
>> > 686 hardware (it must be since it is running 686 code), but it is
>> > some 686 hardware with extensions such that it can also run amd64
>> > code.
>> But if you run uname in the 64 bit OS it says that it is running on a
>> different type of hardware, which it is not, it is just that the 64
>> bit OS uses the extensions whereas the 32 bit does not.
> No, it doesn't. It says exactly what it's running on.
> If you run uname on an amd64 kernel it tells you it's running on amd64
> hardware, which is true even if the processor can also do 686.
> If you run uname on a 686 kernel it tells you it's running on 686
> hardware, which is true even if the processor can also do amd64.

I think you are stretching things a bit here.  If you had an amd64 PC
with dual boot of Ubuntu 32 and 64 and I asked you what processor type
was in the PC (which is what uname -p says it shows) you would not say
"hold on a minute I have got to check which OS I am running before I
can answer that".  However we are just quibbling over the meaning of a
few words here, the point is that the documentation is ambiguous, as
you are about to point out...

> The problem, if there is one, is that uname's man page doesn't
> explicitly state that it asks the kernel what it's sat atop, rather
> than asking the hardware for its full capabilities.

Agreed, plus possibly a few words pointing out the significance of
this.  I maintain there *is* a problem as people have been confused by
the documentation (including myself), therefore it would benefit from
clarification, so we don't need to repeat this discussion every few
months :)



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