On 12 November 2011 14:47, alan c <aecl...@candt.waitrose.com> wrote:
> On 12/11/11 14:05, Andy Smith wrote:
>> Hi Alan,
>> On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 12:35:03PM +0000, alan c wrote:
>>> I am starting to use G+ and have just written an item, shared (I
>>> think)with the Ubuntu UK  Team (circle).
>> If that is a circle that you created, I think that only influences
>> what the people you put in that circle see.
>>> Is it actually there? Anyone?
>> I don't see a post from you on the Ubuntu UK page. When I look on
>> your specific page, I get "alan hasn't shared anything with you."
> Thanks Andy. mmm what to do.
> I have a Circle named Ubuntu UK Team, with only Ubuntu UK Team in it.
> I enter this circle and put text into 'share whats new' at the top.
> Then 'share', and it gets shown when I look in my Ubuntu UK Team
> Circle as if it is posted  to Ubuntu UK Team.

If you share it with the user Ubuntu UK Team then only a user logged
on as Ubuntu UK Team will see it.  It is not like the facebook wall on
which anyone can post.  Think if you set up your daughter in a circle
and shared something with her, then only she will be able to see it.
It will not appear on her public page.  Only stuff that she shares
with the public will appear there.



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