n Wed, 2011-10-26 at 11:11 +0100, George MacLeod wrote:

> On 26 October 2011 10:58, Sarah Chard <sa...@streetentertainers.co.uk>
> wrote:
>         Hi 
>         my friend who uses Ubuntu and is a keen photographer has
>         bought a new camera and is haveing problems with it - she says
>         The camera i am using is the Sony a55 and i can't find any
>         photo editor, gimp included that can process the  a55 files. 
>         can anyone help?
>         Sarah
> What format are the images being saved as? If the camera is set to
> save images in RAW format then they will need to be processed into
> something else such as JPG or TIF She should be able to set  the
> camera to save images as JPG etc.
> Seoras 
I suggested this but she needs to save them as RAW files so she gets
high quality images and good contrast - apparently saving them as jpegs
mean that she may get too much bleaching in certain images.

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