Hi all,
I run s3sync to do a backup from my web server to an AWS S3 bucket.
This runs once a week on a cron job and has done so for many many
I had to do a reboot on my server (VPS BTW, running 8,04 LTS) and now
s3sync no longer works.
The command in my backup script is this:
ruby s3sync.rb -r -v --ssl --delete /local/dir/ mybucket:somefolder
I get an email after each backup to confirm, and the results were this:
Connection timed out: execution expired
99 retries left, sleeping for 30 seconds
and this repeats for a long time...
Just running a simple s3cmd command:
s3cmd put mybucket:localfile.txt localfile.txt
Broken pipe: Broken pipe
Any ideas what's wrong?
I emailled my VPS supplier and they said:
"It looks like you're affected by clock issues. Please try running
the official Kernel for your operating system as described on our forums
at https://forums.openitc.co.uk/index.php/board,5.0.html"
If all fails I might well reinstall my server anyway, as they now have
10,04 LTS images available. But it just seems weird how it was working
fine before the reboot.
Jon Reynolds (j0nr)