Seems to do the trick - yipee! One down, two to go!

Thanks Juan :-)

On 16 Aug 2011, at 11:01, Juan J. Martínez wrote:

> On Tue, 2011-08-16 at 10:53 +0100, Emily Maher wrote:
>> [...]
>> Text formatting
>> When copying and pasting text from one text box to another, the
>> formatting disappears/defaults. This is a particular problem with text
>> that contains bullet points – bullet points appear where I had none
>> and disappear from where I did, they also change colour! It also
>> sometimes happens when dragging slides from one presentation to
>> another. 
> Have you tried "Paste special"? If I recall correctly is CTRL + SHIFT +
> v. In that way you get a dialog with different options.
> When you copy something it goes to the clipboard, including some
> metadata information (such as styles). LibreOffice (OpenOffice) can
> guess what you want to do, but it's unlikely you're going to be happy
> every time. So that "paste special" functionality is very useful!
> My 0.2 cents!
> Regards,
> Juan
> -- 

Emily Maher
Graphic designer
Communications team
Canonical UK ltd


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