On 02/08/11 12:16, Barry Drake wrote:
> Hi there ....  A few days ago, Laura Czajkowski made the suggestion that
> Ubuntu Advertising and/or Ubuntu Marketing might look at preparing and
> sending press releases to appropriate media.  Since then, I've been
> looking at what happens at present.  All I can find are spasmodic
> releases from Canonical which sometimes reflect the state of play with
> the latest Ubuntu release.
> Do any of you know of anything more than this?
> If not, could I suggest a sub group committed to circulating a regular
> media news letter (two or three times a year).  I'll be happy to receive
> contributions, collate them and write it up, then circulate it.  It
> would need to target computer magazines, press generally, radio and TV. 
> Are there any opinions?  And any volunteers to feed news items into
> this?
> Kind regards,         Barry.

I edit / write the Paignton rugby club newsletter and would be happy to
include any press release.



Paul Sutton Cert SLPS (Open)

Open Mic nights - Wednesday 8pm to 11pm (14+) Free entry
Breakin' Ground - Street dance for young people (8+) Wednesday 6pm
(starts May 11th)

The Lighthouse,26 Esplanade Road, Paignton
01803 411 812 or e-mail  i...@devonmusiccollective.com for more info.

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