my sincerest apologies about not attending last night's meeting. unfortunately my power supply failed, and I had to wait for a new one to be ordered and delivered by snail-mail. A big thanks to alan for stepping into my place. Jacob Mansfield Programmer CyberKing Solutions™ - I do know the database is down
Air conditioned environment - do not open windows! Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments. See -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1-Jacob1 GCM/CS/CC/E/ED/MC/S/AT/! d++(---) s-: a--->? C++++ UL$++(++++)>$ P(+) L$+++(++++)>$ E(?) W+++$ N(?)>+ o k(+/++) w---()>$ O? M(+)>$ V? PS(+) PE Y(+) PGP(+/++) t(+) 5?>+ X+ R(?) tv+ b++(+++) DI(+) D G(++) e-(*) h!-- !r y(--)>+++++$ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------