On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 1:10 PM, J Fernyhough <j.fernyho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 8 June 2011 11:00, Jon Reynolds <maill...@jcrdevelopments.com> wrote:
>> My dad uses Windows and recently it completely crashed and the local
>> computer shop said it needed reinstalling. So he lost all his programs.
> <snip?
>> Just maddened me a bit because he was willing to try free software... just
>> didn't have enough willingness to learn a little bit more.
>> Ho hum.
> I reformatted my parents' laptops, made Ubuntu the single OS on one,
> and made it the default boot in a dual-boot with Windows on the other
> (they needed software that wouldn't run under WINE). They had no
> option but to learn how to use it.
> I feel I should throw in a "muahaha!"
> Jonathon

My advice to (some) who are willing to try Linux systems is to keep
Windows installed, but don't make it an option in the boot menu -
making it unnecessarily hard to boot into Windows has meant that some
of them have been more inclined to figure out how to do XYZ in Linux
rather than "just boot into Windows coz I now how to do it there".



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