On 21/05/11 17:52, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
On 21/05/2011 17:39, Jon Spriggs wrote:
As I said, the VPN part is more to save having to set up local port
forwarding and DynDNS, especially as my Dad is with BT, and their
default response with the home hub is "Press the reset button on the
side of the router. Does it work now?"
Have you tried TeamViewer? They have a Linux version....
Yes, I use (unfortunately) teamviewer a lot. I regret that it is not
free software however, when I am supporting an increasingly large
bunch of very non techie friends it is surprisingly easy at my end and
theirs. I have even used it in a remote live Ubuntu session to re
partition a remote PC for dual boot and then run the installer in
advanced mode, apparently no problems (!) I decided to close the
teamviewer session once the install was under way to avoid possible
complications, and it all worked.
alan cocks
Ubuntu user