On Sat, 2011-05-21 at 18:17 +0100, Paul Sutton wrote:
> Hi
> now that we have set up some computers at the lighthouse
>      http://thelighthouse-paignton.blogspot.com/
> I have asked if we can do something to help people get online as part of 
> the race online programme
> http://raceonline2012.org/
> they want me to come up with some ideas, if anyone has any ideas 
> regarding what we can / should teach people (basics only to start with) 
> that would be useful
> ideas on basic lessons using the net i can do here,(help would be useful 
> perhaps) but given that skype is microsoft owned, perhaps if we are to 
> introduce voip we can teach alternatives to skype which is where people 
> here may have to step in with lesson plans, ideas etc.
> what sort of things should / could we teach
> if we want to set up people with e-mail accounts who should we use, 
> gmail, ( i assume not hotmail)
> i guess i can show people some of direct.gov and mention they can do car 
> tax online
> does anyone have other expertise or ideas we can add to basic internet 
> lessons.
> paul

No great personal expertise, but I have found a lot of stuff online


Here they are talking more about helping a friend, but I think that one
of the best tips is to find out something someone is interested in and
use that. E.g if they support a football club, go to the club's website
and places like BBC Sport's football pages.  I.e make it relevant to
peoples own experience.



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