On 04/04/11 13:14, Alan Pope wrote:
> On 4 April 2011 13:07, Andrés Muñiz Piniella <andre...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I heard around here that someone worked with charities. I have a work
>> colleague that has several in storage and is willing to give them away as
>> they are (minus the HDD, though he hinted he might put in new ones)
>> Do any of you know of a charity that might be interested?
> Two options I know of spring to mind:-
> In Southampton is "Jamies Computer Club" which is a charity which
> takes computers and renovates them to raise money for charitable
> activities. They also pull in jobless people from the community to do
> that work and train them up on the hardware/software. Good guys/gals.
> http://www.jamies.org.uk/
> Secondly I'm aware of "green h" which takes old computers and makes
> them good for people who don't have the means to buy one themselves at
> full price.
> http://greenh.co.uk/

Greenh are awesome (highly recommended by me!) but don't do this kind of
thing really as far as I'm aware.

Access Space in Sheffield however do, and are equally awesome.

If you ever visit Sheffield, don't leave until you've visited. It's
right in the centre, close to the station and truly is inspirational.

They provide an open cluster and also recycle *lots* of old hardware. I
mean lots. It's stunning how much.





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