Hi all,
This Saturday is the Ubuntu Global Jam, a focused event on contributing
to Ubuntu. In the UK we are holding a virtual event on IRC and with
Voice over IP using a Mumble server. You can see what other teams are
doing here: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/567/detail/
Mumble is an application that is in the Ubuntu repositories, you will
need a headset with microphone, if you don't have one already, you can
get a perfectly fine one from Argos, cat number 675/2981 which is a
Phillips one with noise cancelling microphone and has a fiver off at the
moment so it is £7.99. I got one this morning and it works a treat.
So, install mumble either from the software centre or sudo apt-get
install mumble from the command line. When you start it you will need to
set up a new server connection to mumble.libertus.co.uk on the right of
the mumble screen there is a little tree view of the rooms on the server
and you can drag and drop yourself into different rooms to talk to the
people in there. We might set up rooms for different activities
depending on how many people there are and if we want to split up.
So what are we doing for the day? Well the agenda is here:
http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/globaljam2011 and if there is stuff you want to
add to it then go right ahead.
I look forward to talking to you tomorrow
Alan Bell
Ubuntu UK Team Leader