n Sat, 2011-03-26 at 19:42 +0000, Nigel Verity wrote:

> Hi
> Following Sarah Chard's posting of 23rd March, I attended the event in
> Hereford today. The LUG members were all extremely enthusiastic and
> did an excellent job of explaining the merits and benefits of FLOSS.
> In my view there were two important aspects of the event which the
> Herefordshire LUG got absolutely right:
> 1) The main message was to promote open source software rather than
> specifically Linux. This is the right approach as it gently eases
> Windows users towards FLOSS. To require a change of operating system
> as the starting point is probably just too big a step for most people.
> 2) The venue attracted visitors for reasons other than just the LUG
> event; an excellent coffee shop and an art exhibition. This means that
> there was a steady flow of people who might not otherwise have come
> in.
> To my mind the way this event was designed holds some useful pointers
> for any other FLOSS group considering staging something similar. Well
> done Herefordshire LUG.
> Regards
> Nige

thanks for such a positive post about the event and I'll pass your
comments on at our follow-up lug meeting on wednesday
We had members of our own lug at the event but also had support from
members of neighbouring lugs which was great and everyone I have spoken
to so far  enjoyed the day - always a good sign

We did not have  as many visitors as we did at our SFD event in
september - I think both the london march, the football match in cardiff
and the fact that it was good weather in early spring all had an effect
but we still had around 50 visitors over the course of the day (not
including lug members) and have hopefully generated some good publicity
Events like this do take quite a bit of organising but are very
worthwhile as you  reach people who otherwise would not have heard of
open source and linux.
I am more than happy to share information about how we set up the event
with others 



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