Argggg me swashbuckling mateys! 'Tis important that ye be remembering this adventure. The treasure be in sight and Cap'n Bell needs to be certain of the course he be chartin.
Those blasted NInja's do be runnin amok in this search for the treasure of certainty, those landlubbin' need to be keelhauled afore bein' sent to Daviey's locker. Y'argh! You salty dogs! A decision ye must make, and ye better not be loaded to the Gunwales. Gentlemen of fortune we be, and, matey's, we must stand against those Son's of Biscuit Eater's. Make yer mark! Or the black spot'll find ye when ye least expect it! Now ye Sprogs! Hop to! Or by the powers there'll be no booty for thee! - Pete Bluebeard (See, I promised pirates!)