On 06/03/11 18:50, John MM wrote:

See, I dont understand how you can say that about volunteers waiting around, they dont wait around. I have never seen one of you wait around since I first started using Ubuntu. I have spent the past 20 years running and volunterring on quite a few different forums, and Ive its without demanding money for what I do. It comes out of my own pocket. Attitude isnt one way either, its two ways, and you arent exactly briming with help and fortitude. ubuntu will never be mainstream, because of attitudes like this. You will always be complaining about how businessses dont trust you, because of attitudes like yours. The saying Ubuntu isnt free, its free to download, is a true saying. Its always the same, somebody is pushy, you say they have attitude. I have spent the past year or so since 9.04 trying to find otu and research, if you must know, and as somebody who is finding really hard to work out what terminolguy itself is used working out how to go about repairing things, is almost impossible. Ubuntu doesnt make things easy. Which is kind of strange really, comnsidering its title. So pelase domt throw that down my throat, you have no idea how much I havbe domne.

seems like it is time to draw this thread to a close. There are quite a lot of people participating in this thread and doing their best to help you to fix your problem and guide you to sources where you can learn more about the issue you have. If you want to work through the problem interactively with other people then IRC is the way forward, there are 139 people in the UK IRC channel at the moment and 1501 in the main #ubuntu support channel. Lots of these will be people who leave themselves logged in all the time 24/7 whilst they sleep, have lunch or wash the car of a Sunday afternoon, but if you log on, start describing your problem, hang about and start having a conversation with people you will probably end up at some kind of solution. It might well be that your system is broken beyond the ability of quite a lot of people to fix. That doesn't mean it is unfixable, just means you might come across more people who want to help, but can't. Don't mistake that for people who don't want to help.



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