On 06/03/11 11:50, J Fernyhough wrote:
On 6 March 2011 11:43, John MM<scoundrel...@gmail.com> wrote:
-- multiple snip--
error in Version string '3.0.14-58977_Ubuntu_karmic': invalid character
error in Version string '2.2.4-47978_Ubuntu_jaunty': invalid character
Hi, I wonder if somebody can help. I get this each and every time I install
something/update via the terminal, how do i get rid of it? I have no idea
what it is, and its really bugging me.
Thank you.
Check your software sources. Looks like you have a source for
VirtualBox defined with Jaunty and Karmic lines - which if you're
running Maverick (10.10) could cause problems. The line should look
something like:
deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian maverick contrib
Once this is changed, update the package lists.
Hi, thanks for your message, I checked in the software sources and that
is not there. Its all showing Maverick, I can show you the list if
needed, maybe there is something I am not seeing.