Ok, well, I found this, if I run

me@me-laptop:~$ smbclient -L //192.168.x.x
Enter me's password:
Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.5.4]

    Sharename       Type      Comment
    ---------       ----      -------
    print$          Disk      Printer Drivers
IPC$ IPC IPC Service (me-Netbook server (Samba, Ubuntu))
    public          Disk
    pictures        Disk
    documents       Disk
    downloads       Disk
    videos          Disk
    music           Disk
Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.5.4]

    Server               Comment
    ---------            -------
    me-NETBOOK        me-Netbook server (Samba, Ubuntu)

    Workgroup            Master
    ---------            -------

That is my netbook.......It seems I have done something that allows me to see my netbook, but how can I view the folders, I dont see anywhere to view them. Where do I view the shares from this computer.....


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