On 03/03/11 12:17, Simon Greenwood wrote:
OK, I've just had a look back for your original query, and it would
appear that you're trying to connect two machines running Ubuntu using
Samba. The people who replied suggested that you don't use Samba and
use SSHFS instead, which is built into Nautilus, the reason being that
Samba is an implementation of Microsoft's SMB networking protocol that
is mostly reverse engineered, and as such is not well documented and
prone to bugs. I have no other information than that which I looked up
and found here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1026668, for
which the remedy appears to be add your user to the group
'sambashares', change the group permission on the directory
/var/lib/samba/usershares and possibly log in and log out.
In response to your second reply, yes, I probably did as it's
something that I know a bit about and have experience in similar
problems. However, I don't know anything about your problem so I am
using Google and can only give you the same response that Google would
give you, which seems to be a valid one.
This is how mailing lists and message boards and the like work. People
are doing this because they have experience to offer, but only if it's
relevant to a problem. If they have no experience in a problem then
there is no point in trying to offer something other than known facts.
One of the major things about Ubuntu is that there is a wealth of
information available and that other people may have had similar
problems, and the way to find that is to use the search engine of your
choice. No-one is obliged to give you an answer, but many will try to
help within reason.
Ok, I appreciate that, but is very frustrating, when an op comes along
with a similar problem, they get asked questions, given help, and none
of this 'we help you because we can, and not because we have to
attitude, I asked a question, the same as the op, I do feel like I am
being pushed away. Esecially since a similar question is being put
forward. Why are you bringing that up. What is the difference between
the op asking a quesiton and me asking a question.