Buzzing a bit about our event today - 30-odd people turned up at the Oxford 
House Settlement, the atmosphere was relaxed and enthusiastic. Lots of interest 
in Ubuntu - Ubuntu CDs flew off the table and we gave everyone USB sticks 
loaded with FOSS, including Wubi. 

We gave people Ubuntu laptops to play with and a tour of the Desktop - squeezed 
one installation in between workshops - lots of people said they'll be bringing 
laptops etc to the free drop-in on Friday 4th for help to install Ubuntu at 

Feedback has been really positive. The charities found it useful and a real 
eye-opener. A couple of other London City Fringe borough CVSs are interested in 
us doing similar events for them. Getting the serious support of CVSs will help 
a lot to build faith in Ubuntu in the VCS and I feel like we're really starting 
to get somewhere. 

Big thanks to everyone who did workhops and helped out, it's been a thoroughly 
successful day and you all made it feel like  breeze. 

See most of you again on the 4th,

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