
Admittedly disappointed to see an IE logo there though, :(
linux ubuntu 10  (ubuntu linux , ubuntu gnu/linux , ubuntu ,  10.04 or
10.10? )


On 21 February 2011 16:45, Ross Mounce <ross.mou...@gmail.com> wrote:

> [It's my first post: Hi all!]
> I often hear that it's rare to find UK vendors selling computers with
> Ubuntu pre-installed.
> So I was pleasantly suprised to see this:
> http://www.dinopc.com/shop/pc/NEW-Nanosaur-410-95p966.htm
> ...comes pre-installed with "Linux Ubuntu 10" [sic]
> On a related note. I'm looking to buy a multi-core desktop, and a netbook.
> Any suggestions as to where I can get these aside from the aforementioned
> vendor?
>    - I want to avoid having to pay extra for M$ software that I won't use
>    - I'm on a student budget, so the cheaper the better!
> Ross
> http://twitter.com/rmounce
> <http://www.dinopc.com/shop/pc/NEW-Nanosaur-410-95p966.htm>
> --
> ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/

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